My name is Galina, and I’m eight years old. I want to be an artist or a painter. I want to make money by drawing and selling them.
I know how to count in English up to 12. At home in Ukraine, I learned to count to 10, but here in Moldova, I continued to 12.
I like going to school because I have friends here. But I liked it more in Ukraine. Back in Ukraine, I knew the teachers – they are very close to my soul, but the teachers are strangers here.
We came here with all my sisters six months ago. It was at the beginning of March. I like it here because there is a great park in this village, and I have friends, and we have animals here, and I’m very happy because back in Ukraine we didn’t have any pets. So now I’m playing with my pets, and I’m happy.
We like making courses with the dogs and running to see who comes first to the finish line. Sometimes I win, but sometimes Daisy (the family dog) wins. I also like to dance. Any dances, and music, I don’t care – I just like to dance.
I really miss my neighbour, a lady, she used to take care of us, and we really miss her. I’d like to go home, and I hope to go home. But I like it here too, so I don’t know what to do because I want to be there and I want to be here at the same time.

Providing cash relief
Galina's family received cash assistance from War Child. Giving families cash, rather than items, means they can make quick decisions on what to buy based on their own needs and priorities, enabling them to regain control and independence over their lives.