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Our Collection

When you gift, buy, or stream our iconic collections you help children in war zones across the world. Like those in Ukraine, where there are still no signs of peace. So, jump into HELP, HELP! A DAY IN THE LIFE, 1LOVE, HOPE, or WAR CHILD HEROES.

We have an incredible selection of albums. Amazing artists united to make them and support children in areas of conflict. Now you can too. When you gift, buy or stream these iconic collections, you support the lives of children in war zones around the world. That includes those in Ukraine where temperatures are plummeting below freezing. Almost 3 million children who once had a safe home, now don’t know if they’ll have a place to live this Christmas.

Help and Help a Day in The Life Record Covers

Show your support by listening to the HELP album. First recorded in 1995, with a 25th-anniversary edition released in 2022. It's got music giants like Oasis, Blur, Massive Attack, Portishead, and Radiohead. It was even the debut of a little-known supergroup, The Smokin’ Mojo Filters. Made up of Paul Weller, Paul McCartney, and Noel Gallagher. And if you like that, why not give HELP! A DAY IN THE LIFE a spin? Made ten years after HELP, it's got awesome tracks from Gorillaz, Coldplay, Bloc Party, and more.

1 Love, War Child Heroes and Hope Records

To bring vital aid and help build refuge spaces that give families a moment of safety, listen to 1LOVE. The best of British artists came together to pick their favourite number one to cover for this album. Check out tracks from Elbow, Muse, Manic Street Preachers and many more.

Or do you want to share a little HOPE? Dive into tracks from legends like George Michael, David Bowie, and Paul McCartney. Or explore unique covers by Beth Orton, New Order, and Beverly Knight. When you listen to these tracks, you do your bit to help War Child deliver the urgent support that families need. Like centres and health services for families in Ukraine.

Help us support families to access online education for their children by listening to WAR CHILD HEROES. The ultimate covers album. Music icons including Blondie, David Bowie, The Clash, and Iggy Pop came together to pick their favourite track and their favourite artists to cover it.

Five timeless albums with one aim. To help you make a change. By streaming, or buying, any of these tracks you help children like those in Ukraine who would just wish for the nightmare of war to end. For one night without bomb explosions, shelling, or blaring sirens.

Listen today and create change that could last a lifetime.


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With a 20% discount until 25/12/22
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