Sisters from Moldova

Donate to children in Ukraine

On the 8th July 2024, a children’s hospital in Kyiv was bombed. Okhmatdyt children’s hospital, Ukraine's biggest medical facility for children has been deliberately targeted, killing and injuring innocent sick children. Ukraine has faced near constant bombardments for the past 2 years, displacing children and their families.


Your Donation



Children in Ukraine urgently need your help

Russia launched a deadly attack on Kyiv’s biggest children’s hospital on 8th July 2024. The hospital was hit with missiles, injuring and killing hundreds of innocent children. The ongoing conflict for the past two years has already left vulnerable children traumatised, displaced and terrified for their safety and loved ones. 

This attack has targeted the most vulnerable Ukrainian children in the very place that is supposed to keep them safe. 

But War Child is on the ground in Ukraine, working on the frontline since the conflict began. War Child has been protecting, educating & providing for children living through the war. We are providing vouchers for food, clothes and mental health first aid that is so desperately needed.

With your help War Child can continue to provide safe shelter and food, ensuring children are safe, and recover from trauma. Every child deserves to play, to laugh, to be curious and hopeful about the world around them. Every child deserves a childhood and a future.

Help us continue to be there for children and their families still in Ukraine, as well as those living as refugees in neighbouring countries. Your donations will be used to fund our life-saving work for children living through conflict. Please, donate today.

How a monthly donation from you changes lives 

Regular monthly gifts are an incredible way to support children living through conflict around the world, both now and into the future. Your donations will mean we can provide life-saving aid when conflict breaks out, and stay to support children through their recovery - whenever, and wherever, they need us most. For 30 years, we've been driven by a single goal - for no child's life to be torn apart by war. By starting a regular monthly gift for children today, we can be there for vulnerable children living in war zones for as long as they need us.

Gillian Anderson quote
There is absolutely no end in sight. Nobody knows how this will end. It may go on, and on, and on....Whether it's supporting children with schooling, or with art therapy, or families that really need somebody to talk to, and to feel that somebody is listening, War Child is on the ground, and continues to be on the ground.
Gillian Anderson
Play video Gillian Anderson with a young child helping a child in a school in Ukraine

See how our work helps children in war

Please donate today and help us carry on providing psychological support to children in war. The quicker we act, the quicker a child can heal from trauma.

Alina holding her daughter Alla
How your donations can help

Read about our work in Ukraine

Alina’s life was turned upside down when she fled Ukraine with her three children. They are desperate to go home to normal life, but the ongoing conflict means they may never be able to return. War Child are supporting thousands of Ukrainian families like Alina’s with protection, education and life-saving aid. With your help we can reach even more. Start a monthly gift today.


We're here to help. If you have any questions about the ways you can give, you can contact us by phoning us on +44 (0)20 7112 2555 or by sending an email to [email protected].

If you'd like to donate by post, you can make a cheque payable to War Child and send it to: War Child UK, Dunn’s Hat Factory (4th Floor), 106-110 Kentish Town Road, London, NW1 9PX.