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Creativity for a Cause

How a Student Event Lit Up Dublin in Support of War Child

In the heart of Dublin, an extraordinary event unfolded, igniting the area with creativity and purpose. A basement in the city centre transformed into a haven of artistic expression, music, and community spirit, all in aid of War Child.

Livia and the Birth of 'Shenanigansisflying'

Meet Livia Rose, a student of History of Art and Religion at Trinity College, and Alannah Hassett, her co-producer in this initiative. Inspired by her love for art and a desire to make a difference, Livia teamed up with Alannah, whose passion for film and production experience made her an invaluable partner. Together, they orchestrated an event that would not only showcase the talent of young artists but also support War Child’s work with children in conflict.

The fundraisers who organised the event.

Months in the making, the event was aptly titled 'Shenanigansisflying,' a fusion of Livia's art account 'Shenanigans' and Alannah's creative platform 'isflying.' The duo reached out to their peers, calling for submissions of art in any form, and were overwhelmed by the response. With over 35 submissions from students and young creatives, they curated a display of 20 artists and 6 poets, each lending their voice to War Child’s mission.

Fundraisers with the fashion display.

Echoes of Solidarity: Amplifying the Message 

'Shenanigansisflying' was more than just an art exhibition. It was a multi-sensory experience. From live music performances to stick-and-poke tattoos, from creative eye makeup to a fashion display by 'The Long Pavlova,' every element of the event was thoughtfully curated to drive support for War Child. As the evening unfolded, the basement came alive with the sounds of folk music, the rhythm of poetry, and the energy of live performances. From soulful melodies to poignant verses on the war in Gaza, each act sparked conversations, amplifying the message of solidarity in supporting children living in conflict zones.

People taking part in the fundraiser.

By the end of the night, over 100 tickets had been sold, raising an incredible 1,000 euros for War Child UK!

War Child want to say an enormous thank you to Livia and Alannah for their incredible efforts. We hope their creativity and drive inspires others. 



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