White War Child United logos on a red background.

War Child launches War Child United

United by the game. Uniting for children in conflict.

We are War Child United - a club founded to amplify War Child’s message using the power of the world’s number one sport.

At the heart of War Child United are different regions affected by conflict. Young people impacted by war in each region will design a unique football shirt. 

Each release will educate people about the region and War Child’s work. 

Our collection will be brought to life in collaboration with sportswear brands and will be inspired by culture and football in each of the countries War Child works in.   

War Child United’s first limited edition shirt will drop on September 10 and represents the Central African Republic. 


The young designers have called the shirt ‘Zo Kwe Zo’ which translates as ‘all people are people’, everybody is equal.  

The shirt will raise awareness of the challenges children and young people in the country face and demonstrate how the power of the beautiful game can bring people together to make a difference. 

United by the game. Uniting for children in conflict.

Sign up to the prize draw to win a shirt and support War Child United now.
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