Saeed and Salem’s story
Empowering caregivers and unlocking a generation through positive parenting with UK Aid Match.
Empowering caregivers and unlocking a generation through positive parenting with UK Aid Match.
Reviving dreams and unlocking a generation of children to fulfil their potential with UK Aid Match.
Meet Nyamach and Deng Ruot Phar, they are siblings from Sudan.
Siblings Nyakuma and Ajou are from South Sudan, read their story.
Meet Adit, aged 12, who lives in South Sudan and takes part in our TeamUp programme.
Meet Hayat, she's 18 years old and lives in Yemen.
Nelson, aged 15, grew up amidst fear, violence, and insecurity in DR Congo, a region impacted by over two decades of internal armed conflict.
Meet Emlaq, aged 13, who lives in Yemen.
Meet Daniela, aged 35, she was living in northeast Ukraine before the war started. Now, she lives in the Refugee Accommodation Centre in western Ukraine with two of her four children.
When 12-year-old Akram lost his sister in a rocket attack in Syria he thought he would never feel the same pain again. “But what happened in the earthquake and what’s happened since, it is much more difficult than what we experienced” he says. This is Akram’s story.