News type: Stories

Collapsed building in Syria.

Rania's Story

War Child UK

Rania, a 38-year-old mother of eight, endured immense psychological and social pressures due to Syria’s ongoing crises and devastating earthquakes.

Childs drawing from Ukraine, 2023.

Daniela's Story

War Child UK

Meet Daniela, aged 35, she was living in northeast Ukraine before the war started. Now, she lives in the Refugee Accommodation Centre in western Ukraine with two of her four children.

Collapsed building in Syria.

Akram's Story

War Child UK

When 12-year-old Akram lost his sister in a rocket attack in Syria he thought he would never feel the same pain again. “But what happened in the earthquake and what’s happened since, it is much more difficult than what we experienced” he says. This is Akram’s story.